

Friday, 27 March 2015

Wednesday skate, derby players, knee and family updates

Last night I went down the Ice Arena for the first time in a fortnight, enjoying a social skate with Jess and Craig.  There were quite a few people there, including a number of women who knew each other and who, despite all but one wearing blue house skates, all knew how to skate.  Their kneepads and wrist guards, not to mention the weird and dangerous looking powerslide stopping techniques of their leader, gave them away as inline skaters.  This was only confirmed by the fact that several wore, or had at least brought along, a pink tracksuit top with a roller derbyish team name on the back.  They stuck it out and weren't afraid to have a go.  We skaters are indeed a brave bunch.

I spent about 90 minutes evenly between highish speed laps, backwards and forwards edge work, tight turns and transitions in the corners, buzzing around chatting.  I tried to keep an awareness of my posture and stance throughout.  At the end of the session I felt I'd had good workout. 

Today, can feel at times a tiredness in the muscle structure linking above and below my right knee, but apart from that all is good.  It's been just on six months since I had my knee crashed while playing with the Knights.  I think it is strong enough now to cope with what I plan to do over winter in my 'off season' (though will still be playing inline hockey with the Vikings).

Jess is coming along in her inimitable fashion, making big breakthroughs in crossover and stopping technique.  A is apparently loving his lessons earlier in the day.  B's training with Pee Wee hockey starts next Thursday, and the season in less than a month.  I play my Grand Final on Saturday afternoon with the Wheelers, Jess played in a netball Grand Final on Monday night.  The Grand Final playoff series for C Grade Ice Hockey also happens over the weekend (Flyers won game 1 against the Redwings with an overtime goal).

It's a grand time of year.

Ice 22

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