

Monday, 30 March 2015

Post season began yesterday...

I went down the Primary School in my inlines yesterday morning, the day after the Vikings Grand Final night, for my (now) usual three hundred shots at the netball goal post from the shooting circle.  Again, interspersed with a sequence of increasingly complex stickhandling drills, culminating the whole with a tired journey home up the hill.

Shooting stats were down on recent sessions, though still respectable in the bigger scheme.  Of greatest note was the fact that I potted eight in a row forward facing snapshots, a new record that doubled the previous highest 'scores in a row' on any type of shot.  This went along with the highest ever percentage of the bracket (ie of 25 shots) hitting the target (15).

Here's the numbers: 6/6/9/3, 5/5/15/2, 6/9/3/5 (22.8%)

For drills, I started with a few laps of the entire court, each way, carrying the puck on the end of my stick using only my left hand the whole way, deking it on the straights and holding it on the outside when turning.  This then morphed into figure eights across the court.  After the first set of shots, I lined up five pucks about two metres apart and then skated down the line and back, deking the puck on the right side of the body between the pucks when I went one way, and on the left side when I returned.  After the second set of shots I skated tight figure eights in the middle of the court, keeping the puck on the outside at all times.  After the third set I skated in between two pucks on the left boards and then between two more on an angle towards the 'house' before snapping a shot.

The stickhandling is improving, and the shots continue to be more settled in approach.  With the shooting, all bar one of the sets were consistently within an inch or two at most of the post, even though the number that hit was lower than recent norms.


I had planned to go down again today after work, taking advantage of the fine weather and this last week of daylight saving, but have a cricked neck from the way I slept last night and so had day of rest instead.  Hopefully tomorrow...

Inline 23

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