

Sunday, 25 January 2015

On the ice on Wednesday

Wednesday evening I spent about an hour on the ice for my only between games skate this week.  I only really decided to go at the last minute so didn't round up any of my (now) usual companions to join me.  It felt a bit unusual to be there 'alone' on the public skating session - even though that's what I've done for most of my skating career.

I spent more time than I have on other recent skates pushing myself at moderate to high speed laps.  Although my speed is still there I have lost a lot of the quickness/acceleration I was working towards in the pre-season.  I got the feeling that a lot of this drop off is neuromuscular, I need to retrain myself into quickness.  I know what to do, at least, though will be a hard slog to do it in-season.  Still, if we are to make the playoffs I will be glad to have done so.  And, if we don't, my winter season inline game will surely benefit.

My transitions have smoothed out significantly between and left and right over the past few months (the value of hundreds of repetitions), but this isn't of as much value in itself without high acceleration out of the move.  Lowering my stance through it will assist to patch the weakness, but more training required.

Continued with backwards crossbehinds drills, now much smoother and a reasonable exercise.  I think the effect is coming through when I revert to proper backwards cross overs, the outside edge push offs add more power to the stride.

After a good hour the feet weren't sore at all and the skates are now feeling pretty comfortable.  I went over a couple of times, once from loss of edge and once to avoid collision with a tyro skater.

As much work as fun.

Ice 7

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