

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Cross Behinds on Sunday Skate

On Sunday I went down the Ice Arena and met up with Craig and Jess.  It was moderately busy.  The ice was pretty hard for social skating because (a) the atmospheric temperature had dropped quite a bit, and (b) the ice temperature was no doubt turned down due the fact that there were five back to back hockey games to be played on the rink after social skating was over..

As seems to be my midseason habit, I didn't push myself too hard but kept up a steady pace throughout.  I had watched M2Hockey training video about 'cross behinds' on Youtube prior going so that I had something new to work on (always important) now that the skates are beginning to settle onto my feet.  This was pretty cool, as I have been trying to find out the technique for how to do something I saw in a P.K.Subban video over winter, but until now have been unable to find it.  Maybe I just had to trust the universe to let me find it when I was ready?

The first few minutes I found it quite difficult to do (skate backward, cross over behind the lead leg onto the outside edge, push out) but by the end was able to do it moderately competently, albeit slow to moderate speed.

We were there almost two hours and felt quite fatigued by the end of it all.  I went over four times, none of them painful, twice due my outside edge catching on the ice.  Skates caused no additional pain after the first five minutes, so must be not far from breaking them in.  Had my knee taped up for the first time in a month.  Not so necessary as it was back then, but a source of comfort none the less.

Pizza afterwards was delicious.

Ice 3

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