

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Wednesday Skate - full movement!

I went on my own to the Arena for about eighty minutes' skating last night.  It was a good session, not a huge amount a people so there was lots of room to be able to push myself through various large scale maneuvers at speed.  I didn't once push myself into overspeed, but took things to my skill limited maximum velocity for several laps at a time while powerstriding, 'running', forwards and backwards crossover and gliding slaloms across half the ice with each loop, tight forwards and backwards slaloms and heel to heels along the goal lines, transitions both ways along the boards and on bends.  I ended the evening with tight figure eights using outside edges, heel to heels, forwards and backwards crossovers both with and without transitions.  Basically, my essential hockey skating routines without my stick.

No pain.  No limitations out of my right knee.  I intentionally put myself through routines featuring elements that had jammed my leg as recently as one week ago.  This took a bit of fortitude, but the idea was to test out my recovery to see if I am ready for the next phase.  It seems that I am.

Better get to it then...

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