I went for a short inline skate this evening, just before sunset. This is the first real street skating I've done in over a month. It was great to do. I did it without taping up my knee, despite the slight swellling resulting from last night's battle at the Ice Arena (we lost 4-3 to the Sharks, Gameday report to follow...).
I went for a short river skate. It was no real surprise to find that my conditioning is way down on what it was a few months ago, although my confidence and crispness have both markedly improved. It was lovely to skate down streets surrounded by the purple blooming of the jacaranda trees and other assorted spring time scents, the birdsong, magical light of the sinking sun, regular river walkers and runners.
I'd worked up a sweat by the time I skated up the hill to home. No adverse consequences for the leg, felt my skating muscles finding themselves by the time I got up the drive. It's good to be back!
Knight's training tomorrow.
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