After posting here on Wednesday I did go ahead as foreshadowed and sign up to NHL Game Centre Live. I took out the annual subscription (which will now automatically renew on my birthday unless I cancel it). So now I can watch any game any time through the coming season, last season's games, and any of about 800 classic games from the last fifty years that they have in 'the vault'. All for about $100. Hopefully the Oilers will put on a better show than last year so I can get my full value!
This morning, I started on the next phase of my off ice program (the first phase having been the last couple months of strength work). Using 'The Anatomy of Core Stability' as my guide, I tried out their 'begninner' workout to start the hard work of working on my core. It took about a half hour, didn't hurt at the time (though feel like turning to Jelly between knees and belly at the moment). In short, consists of plank, side planks, scissors, quadraped, body saw, straight leg raise, and side lying hip abductions. I'm thinking maybe three times a week, possibly four, to compliment a couple strength circuits. We'll see how it goes as the competitive seasons warm up.
Speaking of which, on Monday evening there are team and jersey allocations at the Ice Arena, as well as meet the coach sessions for us Div II C graders. I wonder if I'll still be a Knight?
Finally, a beautiful day today. Will be taking B to his final Ice Blast session this afternoon. With any luck, will also be able to get at least a hundred shots off at goal later at some point.
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