Those who have been reading this blog since its inception may remember some early references I made to the neurotransmitter/hormone, noradrenaline (otherwise known as Norepinephrine or, sometimes, 'the hockey hormone'). Since that time I have neither made nor, more importantly, seen reference to it anywhere.
Hold that thought and let me tell you more...
Nearly twenty years ago at an obscure point in my university daze I came across the work of a russian academic in an american journal discussing a state of consciousness he termed 'flow'. What impressed me at the time was that he 'operationalised' the term, defining 'going with the flow' in terms of what is actually experienced and laying out certain conditions that were a necessary precedent to the state arising. His work had some objective validity because it was based on interviews with, over the decades, tens of thousands of people from all classes and places in the world. His findings were universally applicable. The saddest thing about this story is that I have long forgotten the name of the guy and long ago lost my copy of the seminal article he authored on the subject. The concept of 'flow' however, was one that has resonated ever since.
Snap back to the present...
Imagine my joy, therefore, when, while perusing one of my favourite weely blogosphere visits (Sports IQ), I came across a post discussing recent advances in understanding the state of 'flow' via its neurochemical and neuroelectrical bases. Even better, it referred both to the work of my missing scientist (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) and Norepinephrine (where we learn amongst other things that a significant natural source of the substance is found in banana peel). Both in the one article! Good stuff.
Flash forward to physical development.
You may recall from my last two posts that one of the things I have recently bumped into both in games and training has been my lack of necessary size/strength/skill in physical battles for position. I can't really alter size, and skill will come when I know what I need to learn (the first intuitive steps being taken in Sami's drill last night), but I can take on the process of building my strength immediately.
Afterall, after this week's coming game I have a break from inline hockey for five weeks (!) and it looks like I won't be doing either ice academy or playing anything but Sunday shinnies at Noarlunga for at least a couple months yet, so I am effectively in a (midseason) offseason. Which is apparently the best time in a busy hockey player's life to do some strength training. Which is what I need to do.
So guess what I'll be developing in my hockey development discipline over the next few months?
As a first step, I had a little talk with Jess, the personal trainer who I know best. She has given me a few suggestions of various simple 'exercises' using either only one's own body or a simple weight at most. Thus, no need for a gym (which she knows I don't want to do if can be avoided). And she's told me which muscle sets they work on (after assessing my need from her knowledge of my goal) which is for me to then tailor to my needs.
So, combining this with the growing understanding I have of how mind/body/life works when doing new developmental things, I think I have worked out how I can productively channel the unexpected opportunity my midseason crisis offers. And it will make me a more dangerous hockey player to boot (my 'meta plan' through this period between ice hockey seasons).
Thanks Jess!
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