

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Sunday Skate - back in the rhythm

I picked up B this afternoon and we went for our usual term time Sunday Skate.  The Ice Arena was back to its more usual non-olympic-year winter self, not crowded and a moderately proficient average skating skill.  Nice to see a few familiar faces, and nice to see some of them recognising B from past occasions also, and the improvements he is making from week to week.

As for me, I used the hour and a half to reasonable good effect, just enjoying the sensation of skating for much of the time.  Didn't really push myself too hard, a couple sets of a couple laps at speed, a couple laps of heel to heels, some concentrated drills of transiting on mohawk from reverse to the left at speed (finally worked out that the issue I was having with this was that I was moving straight into a crossover with my right leg (presumably an artefact of having to skate in a anti clockwise direction at public sessions)), and generally speeding up the work that I do at random moments on my simple drills (backwards inside C cuts with outside edges, forward alternating crossovers onto outside edges, tight slalom, etc).

Noticed one of the coaches in the background watching at one point (the drill up the ice with left foot exit rear to forward transitions at moderate speed).  Suits me fine.  Hopefully my puck'n'stick work keeps evolving through inline experience and I get their attention through that as well when next it counts.  What's lacking at the moment is accelerating speed, need to work on that.

B fell over and banged the bony part of the glute complex about 30 seconds before the session ended.  I think it hurt him quite a bit but he wasn't about to complain.  He's a tough wee bugga.  Hopefully he doesn't bruise to the black stage like I did a few months ago.

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