

Friday, 25 April 2014

Clan Skating Session(s)

On Wednesday night I took Wayne to the Ice Arena for a large ice session.  Jess and Craig joined us there.  It was pretty good to be doing something I enjoy with people to whom I am close to, to share the time with them in a shared activity.  And of course, I enjoy my Wednesday sessions for their own sake.

Last night the feeling on the ice was a bit more 'experimental' than it had been the previous week.  Perhaps that's due a few more hockey players doing circuits.  In any event, it was still pretty light hearted amongst the skaters.  I know I skated a bit more playfully than usual.  Starting to make progress on the backwards outside edge, under cut 'c's (with already noticeable effect on my cross unders).  Also, in my 'corner time' I am finally starting to do three turns off either foot in either direction off something more than a standing start by the boards.  Which is progress.

But the highlight to me of the evening was the people I had brought with me.  Wayne, analysing and experimenting with moves far beyond him, Jess with her natural grace, Craig enquiring how much it would cost to get a pair of skates.

I stayed on the ice about two hours, the others maybe one.  I wonder how their cores were today?


As to the younger clan members, had a phone call from B today as he is somewhere on the inland track from the east mid-coast, wondering if we might perhaps go skating on Saturday night (he's back tomorrow).  Too which I said 'maybe', having not been to a Saturday night session for ages.  I'll confirm with him on Saturday morning (maybe we could attend for the first couple hours of what is basically a mass teen event).

When I asked B, "why Saturday Night, much more crowded than Sunday?" his response was most excellent, "because I haven't been skating for TWO WEEKS!  Like, that's TWO WEEKS I haven't been skating!"

What can you say to that?

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