After a continuously draining day at work I managed to get home in time to collect the car for a hurried meal and trip to Vikings (inline hockey) training at Gawler. Feeling totally drained before I set out (but at last, finally, fed) I was way behind time to start with and it just got worse as everyone else decided to drive just slow enough to catch every red light. I had originally flagged the idea of not going due my almost exhaustion and in the interests of getting as close to full recovery on my most recent corked thigh but scratched that idea when I thought that might make it seem an option in future. Which is a long way of saying 'I was in two minds when I left.' Getting there (very) late with a corked thigh that finally seemed to be recovering, as well as being fairly tired, it was easy to decide to sit out the session and observe.
Which I did. Wrist shots, Slapshots, passing combinations, carrying the puck, were the topics of the day. Picked up a few ideas for some drills at home. Worth it.
Caught up with the guy who runs the hole-in-the-wall equipment shop. Bought an inline puck (lighter than an ice puck (plastic not rubber) and a different type of friction (due the small knobs it has on its rink surfaces to reduce frictioned areas)). Had a choice of products. Couldn't resist the neon orange one.
Drove back home listening to trench warfare on the final day of the test series in Capetown on the radio. Realised there's some sort of thread connecting the past few evenings.
Life can be such a blast.
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