A shade under one and a half hours, come back in the dusk. Low 20's. 20% humidity. Storms coming. Had my 'rink' to myself. Only did shooting practice (and incidental maneuvers when recovering pucks) as I knew it was a race against time to get home with some degree at least of safe light. Therefore, kept to a fairly high tempo (eg. no pause between shots, swift recoveries, short drink breaks, etc).
Sets of 25 at 15': Snap 6 - Wrist 5 - Forward 6 - Backhand 7
50 wrist shots at 30' (7) and 75 at 15' (18)
Sets of 25 at 15': - Snap 9 - Forward 3 - Backhand 3
Managed to finally smash up one of my 'green biscuit' practice pucks. Must have been the hundreds of high impacts it has had with the concrete curbing (my 'backboard' behind the goal post). The puck that finally disintegrated to unusableness was the one that originally had some rubber bands around the circumference to lessen the impact of puck on things such as furniture etc. It was obviously also produced to a lower structural standard than the other two (there were little bits of it breaking off at almost every shot. I bet the primary school has been wondering where all the lime green slivers of cast iron (?) up one of the netball court are coming from! I don't think I'll get a replacement of the same type, as the 'passing' and 'shooting' models of puck seem to both be still going well (ie, holding together, the 'shooting' puck doing slightly better of the two).
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